Monday, January 25, 2010

Trending Topics Part II

So this will be a recurring thing because quite frankly, people are hilarious.


***Note the "your"

What began as a commentary on wiggers...

faunatic1911 Having jewelry in your mouth #doesntmeanyourblack (*you are) {look at Paul

nilpsin Jus becuz u have more dan 1 black friend #doesntmeanyourblack

Xplode Just because you like trending topics #doesntmeanyourblack

nia_berry89 even if u try to act ghetto #doesntmeanyourblack

It had evolved into...

gustavosantiago Just because you call it purple juice instead of grape juice #doesntmeanyourblack

@KevinEdwardsJr hhmmm ite - just cuz ur name is LaKeisha, Zalika, Kalifa Sushaunna or Jamal #doesntmeanyourblack

Mullyman just because u like chicken n watermelon #doesntmeanyourblack , but i'm a lightskinded black man and chicken n watermelon is good as a whore

*side note: I like chicken and watermelon. Does this mean I like whores too?

DatGuyTiquan Just because you got 12 kids and 8 babies daddies #doesntmeanyourblack ... It mean you a ho!

@ogeebradley: just cause you got four babies by four different women and a wife on the side that #doesntmeanyourblack but #ninetimesoutoften you are....

wtfitsalltaken Just because youre always on the bench when playing basketball #doesntmeanyourwhite ( #doesntmeanyourblack )

@Johnxrox: Just because you have black skin #doesntmeanyourblack Oh wait nvm, yes it does.

And so concludes this edition of Trending Topics.

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