Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Music Box: "Tik Tok"

Hello to all you BS readers! This marks the first edition of "The Music Box." Here, we will take a look at your favorite tunes as they pass through our judgement. Today's song: "Tik Tok." Enjoy!

Ah, Ke$ha. Here's another artist to add to the whole "party-till-I-get-you-drunk-n'-crunk-n'-junk" genre. Let's see what she has to say about "Tik Tok":

"One morning I just woke up, and I live in this house with I-don't-even-know-how-many roommates — it's this Laurel Canyon house with seven rooms and roommates fluctuating monthly". She later added, "I woke up one day after we went to a party, and I was surrounded by ten of the most beautiful women you've ever seen. And I was like, I'm like P. Diddy — there's no man like this in the entire world. So that became the first line of the new single, and we just went from there. It's a daily process in my life." (Courtesy of Esquire Magazine...and Wikipedia...)

With that in mind, let's take a look at her music video. I hope you wake up surrounded by ten of the most beautiful women you've ever seen.

 Some things to note...
  • Look familiar? Why don't you consult Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" music video?
  • Hey, isn't that Gaga's boom box?
  • The song's pretty much a DJ's delight, filled with handclaps, synths, Auto-Tune, and all that junk.
  • Wow! Ashley Tisdale looks great!
  All things aside, this is the part where we plug in our alternatives.

Here, we've got the vocal talent of Allison, accompanied by Kurt Schneider on piano. It's a great Candlelight version of the same dance-pop song, a little reminiscent of Cascada's "Everytime We Touch." Well, the Candlelight Remix, of course. There's great juxtaposition between the angelic voice and the dirty lyrics, and the underlying sound of "Replay" adds a nice touch to the piece. It's quite ironic, but the humor adds to the overall success of this video.

And look! Even Snooki from Jersey Shore is looking to get onto the music scene. Think she's got a chance? Well, she's already Snookin' for Love, so I think she's got great potential.

With that, we close this session of The Music Box.

1 comment:

  1. ZOMG, you guys have no idea how much my roommates and I love Ke$ha! Her lyrics don't make any sense, but who cares? Check out that sick beat! :D:D:D
